Saturday 18 April 2009

Quiz Call

There's this show on "Channel 5" at about midnight which I think is an example of "bad behaviour." Okay, it's not like anyone is physically getting hurt, but still vulnerable people can be exploited. It's called "Quiz Call". Basically the aim is for people to come up with seemingly straight forward answers to questions and phone in to win a cash prize. All sounds quite easy and okay, until you realise that the calls are over a pound a minute and they probably take like one call every five minutes. It says in the corner who many people have attempted to enter in the last minute, sometimes it's around 250, that's £250 that they've made from not connecting any calls. Even if you are one of the lucky ones who get through the answers are usually so ridiculous and obscure no one would ever think of them such as the answers in this video
The show itself is quite addicting to watch and I guess it's not the producers fault if people waste a lot of money phoning in, but the way the presenters talk to the viewers it's as though no one is trying to call, there are constant countdowns to put pressure on people to phone and the obscurity of the answers can be quite funny to watch if you stay up until 4 am, but in the end the show is exploiting vulnerable people and is just a cash cow for Channel 5.

References">Quiz call

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