Friday, 1 May 2009

Drink Driving

There are some things which I think are really bad and drink driving is one of them. I have a friend who said to me the other week that there’s nothing wrong with drink driving as long as you concentrate more, but my opinion differs. It’s probably because I’m still learning how to drive, but it’s hard enough the way it is, there’s so much to concentrate on, so much you have to do, and it’s not just you you have to pay attention to it’s other people. So I imagine that it must be very difficult trying to do all these things after drinking.

I think that drink driving is very irresponsible, if you’re old enough to be able to drive then surely you are old enough to know the dangers that drink driving can cause. There are loads of adverts on TV about it, but I think that they you can become desensitised to them if they are on all the time. The reality is that if you drive drunk you are more likely to be a danger on the roads and actually kill someone. Before anyone even thinks about drink driving then they should think about the consequences it might cause, they themselves could die, and if they don’t care about themselves then maybe they might kill a child.

I think that sometimes the confusion about drink driving can lie with the amount you are actually allowed to drink and still drive. And the amount differs from person to person depending on their height, weight etc. I think that they should have a blanket ban on drinking alcohol and driving, but then there’s people who drink the night before and then drive the next morning. How can you really tell whether who are still okay to drive? Maybe the government should give out breath-testers to every motorist so that they can see themselves whether they are over the limit, I suppose that that would cost more than the government would like to spend. Perhaps the people who drink drive will do it anyway no matter how much money is spent on trying to prevent it.


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